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Sales Training Part 1:

Ready... Set... CALL!!   Getting in the Door

The hardest things for salespeople to do is simply getting in the door. Why? We focus so much time on closing the deal, negotiating, and relationships… but none of that is useful if we can’t get inside. The first step is the most important and Adam Brest will show you how it can also be the easiest step to setting the stage for success.

This unique presentation will give the keys Adam Brest used to secure a 95% closing rate in his career. This fun, upbeat, fast-paced workshop will give your team the keys for success and inspire them to achieve… Ready… Set… Call!!  

Training Details & Takeaways:

Your Team...Your Time...Your Schedule

Available: Throughout 2018

Time: 30-45 minutes + Q&A Session

Cost: Contact Below for pricing

(Based on location, attendees, & travel)

Each Sales Training will include a workshop packet as well as follow-up materials to help your team put the training into action today.

Defining your Target - 

Are we targeting the right people? A new way to look at your customer base & prospects to broaden your focus & create new opportunities.

                                                The “Who”

Defining your Message - 

Does our “ad match our message?” A unique approach to building new dynamic solutions & critical points of interest. Messaging that connects...

                                                The “What”

 Defining the Obstacles - 

Are there apparent pitfalls we can avoid? A new way to lay the groundwork to generate the questions you want to answer to solve their issues.

                                            The “How”

Gatekeepers are a Gold Mine - 

Can we connect with gatekeepers? Learn how to recognize the wealth of information you should glean from gatekeepers for every encounter.

                                            The “Why”

Sales Training Part 2:

Be a Sales Survivor:  Staying in the Door

How do we keep more long-term customers? One of the most difficult aspects of customer retention is combating change over time -  Change drives Fear & Fear creates Change...
Break that cycle and stay in the door by preparing for the unknown… Adam will show you and your team how to build a “Prep-Kit” to retain your customers.

This fun, upbeat, forward-looking, informative presentation will cover Adam Brest’s personal Sales & MGT career techniques to think differently about creating lasting stability for your team and building a strategy to retain more clients.

Learn how to be a Sales Survivor and Prepare for the Unknown.

Training Details & Takeaways:

Your Team...Your Time...Your Schedule

Available: Throughout 2018

Time: 30-45 minutes + Q&A Session

Cost: Contact Below for pricing

(Based on location, attendees, & travel)

Each Sales Training will include a workshop packet as well as follow-up materials to help your team put the training into action today.

Re-defining the old SWOT Analysis - 

Is our SWOT analysis prepared for the future? Simple question… Huge Impact. Learn innovative concepts to redefine the static SWOT analysis to prepare for a future of unknowns...

                                            The “What”

Building a Customer Prep-Kit - 

Who is driving the changes for your customers? Your competition? You? Remove fear for your clients by learning to help them “pack” the right tools to prepare for change with your solutions and your team.

                                            The “Who”

Build a Lasting Difference & Stability - 

Do your clients know how future changes will affect them? Learn the techniques to prepare for change WITH your clients before the changes occur. Built-in stability...

                                                The “Why”

Putting it all into Action - 

A series of client-specific exercises to try to practice the techniques today. A practical application to your clients & prospects to show you how easy it is to prepare for the unknown and stay in the door...

                                                The “How”

"Who Made These Stupid Rules?"

Available now on Amazon, and Barnes & Noble

by Adam M. Brest

Break through the "Stupid Rules" that hold us back from achieving our goals, growth, and reaching our fullest potential. "Who Made these Stupid Rules" is a ground-breaking new approach to success, life, motivation, goals, sales, and leadership. It's a MUST READ for anyone at any point in their career - filled with humor, insight, personal stories and analogies to keep you engaged and smiling from cover to cover...

Asking the Right Questions
Create your Sliced Bread Moment
Align your Goals & Build a Team of Allies
Personability & Motivation
Stop Searching for Pig #3

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