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Building a Team of Allies

Surround yourself in opportunity by highlighting the ground-level hidden inputs and information we pass by every day.

Learn who the "Wheel People" in your business are and how they can drive your growth.

View the resources & human assets around you differently to capture more opportunities and align your goals for ultimate success...

Most managers don't realize the goldmine of opportunity underneath them. Like pieces of a puzzle, when we start putting them all together, the full picture is revealed... Ultimate Success...

Learn why Building a Team of Allies is essential to stable growth, from Adam Brest, a business & management leader. Learn how to find & motivate the "Wheel People" in your business. Learn how to create a launching pad for growth by unlocking this unique and ground-breaking technique for seizing opportunities...

Topics for Every Event
  • "Viewing Goals as Opportunities"
  • "Embracing Change Today"
  • "Break through the Stupid Rules"
  • "Inviting Opportunity to Knock"
  • "Ideas into Action"
  • "The Goal Ripple Effect"


Embracing Change Today

"Change is what we have to do now that we didn't want to do in the first place.."

Learn how to view change differently and embrace the unique opportunities it presents. Learn how to use change as a tool to grow & evolve, capture your market & lead your team.

See how Adam Brest has tackled challenges through embracing change in his career...Stories to inspire, thoughts to embrace, & tanglible solutions to take into your world tomorrow...  

Turning "Change" from a negative word in the business world and using it to your advantage is the key to success in our fast-paced, & ever-changing environment. 

The transformative keys in this presentation will start you on the road of broadening your goals to help you seize opportunities along the way. Take the fear out of change and look back from the top of the success mountain to say, "Look at what we've accomplished..."

Contact us today to book Adam Brest to speak at your next event... 

Inspirational Keynote Series for Growth

• "Embracing Change Today"
• "The Goal Ripple Effect"
• "Break through the Stupid Rules"
• "Asking the Right Questions"
• "Ideas into Action"
• "Creating Sliced Bread Moments"


Viewing Goals as Opportunities

Learn to Build the Goal Ripple Effect to drive your team into the future and overcome obstacles.

Learn how every Goal has Opportunities for Success hidden under the suface, waiting to be discovered.

Learn to view the Big Picture of of Goals before narrowing the focus - "Where are we going? How do we get there?"

Are you a Still Pond or Fast-Moving River? Do the goals you set help you achieve success or hold you back? Are you asking the Right Questions to realize your full potential. 

In this presenation, Adam Brest, with humor and insight, will walk you through the process of broadening your goals, viewing the end destination, to help you see how many hidden "Gems of Opportunity" are around you every day, just waiting to be discovered. This is our "most-booked presentation" - filled with personal stories, background on "Who Made These Stupid Rules?", and case studies to highlight how to recognize, seize, and capture opportunities every day...

Inspirational Topics & Presentations for Every Event

• "Viewing Goals as Opportunities"

• "The Goal Ripple Effect"

• "Break through the Stupid Rules"

• "Inviting Opportunity to Knock"

• "Ideas into Action"

• "Creating Sliced Bread Moments"


"Ideas into Action"

Learn how to view & break down challenges. Learn how to Ask the Right Questions. Learn how to build the foundation to let your Ideas soar. Learn how to build Idea Momentum. 

Leave with a plan of action & tangible solutions to put your Ideas into Action today!!

What could happen if you put your Ideas into Action in your business? What is holding you back? Schedule your own event today with Adam Brest and learn how to put your Ideas into Action!!

It has nothing to do with being the biggest… it is all about being your best… Learn how to be a leader in your market, define your own path that others have to follow. Learn how to build your Road Map to success & growth through Adam Brest’s Strategy of putting ideas into action....

Topics Suited for your Conference Members/Attendees

• "Ideas into Action - Small Business...Big Results"

• "Building a Road Map to Growth"

• "Ready, Set, Grow!!"

• "Into The Great Unknown" - HR Teams

• "Counting on Tomorrow - Acting Today!!"


"The Prospecting Paradox"

Learn the Power of your Current Customers
Learn the 3 Types of Prospecting
Learn to Gain more Referrals
Learn how to Recognize Trends Faster
Learn how to Pounce on Opportunities

Transform your Sales Program with this
insight from Adam Brest - a Sales Leader...

Tangible results… Actionable Solutions… This up-beat, informative & interactive presentation will change the way you view prospecting, gaining referrals, active marketing, customer interactions and how to seize opportunities. The Goal - to build a roadmap to growth.

Learn the 3 types of prospecting and share the secrets and experiences he learned in his own business which helped him maintain a 95% Sales Closing Rate. Dedication Drives Results...

Other Solutions to drive Success for your Team

• "The Prospecting Paradox"

• "Making the Competition Fear You"

• "Framing your Message"

• "Building a Team of Allies"

• "Viewing Goals as Opportunities"

• "Creating Sliced Bread Moments"


Asking the Right Questions

Learn how to look deeper into the "Why" to start asking the Right Questions for growth.

Using examples from his career training salespeople and management, this presentation is perfect for any business or group to learn how to look deeper & "answer with solutions"..

Discover the keys to success by Asking the Right Questions to uncover the hidden opportunities for success, growth, team building & leadership.

How can we get the right answers without asking the right questions? Learn how to see through the veil and answer the right questions in your daily business & personal life from Adam Brest, author and business leader. These examples from his career and from "Who Made These Stupid Rules?", will help you build your road map to success, with a dash of humor and a lot of inspiration...

Contact us today to have Adam Brest inspire your team...

Topics for Every Event

  • "Asking the Right Questions"
  • "Ideas into Action - Small Business...Big Results"
  • "Building a Road Map to Growth"
  • "Ready, Set, Grow!!"
  • "Into The Great Unknown" - HR Teams
  • "Counting on Tomorrow - Acting Today!!" - All Rights Reserved - 2018 - Powered by